
Bible Courses and Mystic Courses Online

Our deep concern is to open up a living mystical annual cycle with a group of people, which enables each one of us to dive deeper into the living. Because every difficulty, every pain, every joy and every love holds the challenge to be space for the essential.

We assume that we are all created with a unique need for spiritual realization, and that there is no completeness in any of us as separate beings. Our completeness stems from the deepening insight that can be bestowed upon us, a commonly held intention for fulfillment through the Divine. This is an ever ongoing process - moment to moment to moment ....

It needs people who give space to this together. People who let themselves be guided by their love, because the heart in the center of the cross is the place where timelessly the mystical fire burns in us.



In all our courses on the Bible, we are not interested in being or becoming Bible-fast but Bible-interested! We are looking forward to lifting up the power of our Christian roots with you and a group of people, to deal with contradictions and oppositions and to always transfer the biblical texts into our here and now, to let them come alive in each one of us. For this we need you, your presence and participation and your desire to explore.


"For where two or three are come together in my name, there am I among them."

Mt 18:20


Elements we use during group time are guided meditations, small group study of texts, various creative settings, and dialogues between Martin and Susanne. This has proven to be successful and leads in the whole group again and again to surprising insights embodied in the present time - in-formed by timeless wisdom.

Embodied in the here and now - informed by timeless wisdom


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